PDF version for download, https://marcogferrari.com/mgf-curriculum-vitae-master-20240621/




email: marco@ferraristudios.com



5429 S. East View Park, apt. #3

Chicago, Illinois 60615 USA



Born 1974 in Chicago, IL, USA.




– M.F.A. in Visual Arts, The University of Chicago, IL, USA. Thesis Abstract: “Taking Place” (advisors: William Pope.L and Geof Oppenheimer).


– B.A. in Communication–Media Studies and Italian (minor), DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA.


– Coursework in literature, media and music, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY, USA.





Porta Maggiore and Other Works, Film Studies Center, Logan Center for the Arts, University of Chicago, Illinois, March 31, 2023, presented by the Film Studies Center with support from the Department of Cinema and Media Studies and the Open Practice Committee in the Department of Visual Arts. Ferrari presents an in-progress sequence of his upcoming feature film Porta Maggiore along with a review of past works– Full Circle (1999–2004), Velodrome (2012), D(z)iga (2013), Attraction (2013), Surfaces (2015), Nacelle (2015), and Spirit Level (2017)–that have informed his filmmaking approach of “self and otherness”. https://filmstudiescenter.uchicago.edu/events/2023/porta-maggiore-and-other-works



L’alterità e il paesaggio: i film sperimentali di Marco G. Ferrari, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Rome, Italy, May 30, 2017, solo screening with a presentation by Prof. Brunella Antomarini (John Cabot University). Exterior looped projection onto the theater building of “Ferragosto”, 2013; interior screenings of “Velodrome”, 2012; “D(z)iga”, 2012; “Resti”, 2014; “Spirit Level”, 2016–17; and “Spazio comune (lavoro in corso)”, 2017, a new work-in-progress based on the tension between the community and the city municipality over the management of the theater (Nuovo Cinema Aquila) in which the film was screened.  https://riapriamoilcinemaaquila.wordpress.com



Marco G. Ferrari, Aspect/Ratio Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, March 13–April 18, 2015. Exhibited Resti, 2014, hd video; Ferragosto, 2013, hd video; and Peer, 2014, vinyl adhesive.

– Nacelle: a video art exhibition by Marco G. Ferrari, Blanc Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, February 28–May 1, 2015. Exhibited Nacelle, 2015, hd video and D(z)iga, 2012, hd video. Presented in part by Ariel Investments, Cinespace Chicago Film Studios and Rebuild Foundation.

– Black Cinema House, Rebuild Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, April 16, 2015. Screened Nacelle, 2015, hd video and Resti, 2014, hd video.



– Claudia Cassidy Theater, Chicago Cultural Center, IL, USA, October 28, 2004. Screened Full Circle: a documentary film on sculptor Virginio Ferrari, 2003, sd video. Presented in part by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs–Chicago Artists’ Month, Istituto Italiano di Cultura–Chicago and Friends of the Parks.




Spirit Level: Virginio Ferrari & Marco G. Ferrari, CBRE Inc., Lobbies of 737 N. Michigan Avenue and 353 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL, USA, October 2016–April 2017. Exhibited Spirit Level, 2015–16, hd video; Contrails with Body, 2011–16, 16mm film and sd video; and Pensa, 2016, hd video.



– Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea–Palazzo Forti, Verona, Italy, July 14, 2003. Screened Full Circle, 2003, sd video. Part of the retrospective exhibition Virginio Ferrari: Ombre della Sera; 1957–2003, April 17–July 20, 2003. Curated by Giorgio Cortenova; catalog.

Intersezioni: Multi-Media Festival 01, Interzona, Verona, Italy, May 17, 2003. Screened Full Circle: a documentary film on sculptor Virginio Ferrari, 2003, sd video; with Virginio Ferrari’s Interlocking sculpture installation; and musical performances by 8fatfat8 and Beppe Grifeo. Co-curator; catalog.




“Parabola” e “Nacelle” uno sguardo alle periferie del pensiero; due lavori sperimentali di Marco G. Ferrari, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Rome, Italy, October 28, 2021. Part of XIª edizione di Logos—Festa della Parola.

Animaloids and Plantoids; 70th Anniversary of Transhumanism (dedicated to the Huxley family), online event, November 6, 2021. Featuring Eduardo Kac, Nina Selleres, Brunella Antomarini, Aladin Borioli, Marco G. Ferrari, Nefeli Misuraca, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner. Presented by the 6th John Cabot University Posthumanism Studies Workshop. Organized by Brunella Antomarini, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner and Chryssi Soteriades. Live streamed on the metahumanities youtube channel.
Video Vortex #13: Play, Pause and Reset, John Cabot University, Guarini Campus, Rome, Italy, May 27, 2021.  A hybrid event between Rome, Amsterdam and Ankara. Featuring Albert Figurt, Gabriele Marino, Natalia Stanusch, and Marco G. Ferrari. Organized by the John Cabot University Department of Communications and Media Studies in collaboration with the Video Vortex Network.
Verso il Regolamento di gestione del Monumento Naturale Ex Snia Viscosa: Vivere, tutelare e governare il processo di rinaturazione spontanea di una archeologia industriale, Parco delle energie – Lago Bullicante, Rome, Italy, January 14, 2021 – January 14, 2021. Online conference curated by the Forum del Parco delle Energie with the support of Roma Natura.



– Archivissima il Festival degli Archivi: La Notte degli Archivi, Parco delle Energie, Rome, Italy, June 5, 2020, group exhibit, online and in-person, curated by Archivissima. Included Lavoratrici in lotta: Le operaie della Viscosa di Roma, 2020, hd video, 16:35 min. Marco G. Ferrari, community work/moving image work. Directed by Marco G. Ferrari, edited by Lavinia Giardina, produced by Archivio Viscosa, with the assistance of CSOA Ex Snia, Brancoro and Forum Parco delle Energie.

Marco Asilo: la casa ospita; home performances (for the broken hearts), casa di Marco G. Ferrari, via Gentile da Mogliano 29, Rome, Italy, February 14, 2020. Presented by Rigenera Roma with the participation of Iva & the Toy George; Alison Grimaldi-Donahue; Giulia Crispiani; Brunella Antomarini, Nefeli Misuraca; John Cascone; Albert Figurt; Igor Legari; Giacomo Ancillotto; Lulu Shamiyya; Lorenzo Esposito; Liryc Dela Cruz; and Marco G. Ferrari.



Presentazione Finale Atlante Dell’inatteso A Roma Est, Real Academia de España en Roma, Italy, December 18, 2019, group exhibit, curated by Stalker / NoWorking, with the support of Csoa Ex Snia, Forum Territoriale del Parco delle Energie and the Comitato del Quartiere Pigneto-Prenestino. Included: “Meduse” (n. 2), “Delfini” (n. 3), and “Stella, polipo, anemone, pagliaccio” (n.4) , 2019, hd, color, silent, public projection—single-channel, hd projector, cloister, (image 15 x 20 x 5 m), silent, 120 min, continuous loop.



Considering the Circle, Bridgeport Art Center, Chicago, IL, USA, November 16, 2018–January 4, 2019. Installation of “Newport” (2015–18, 8 min). Curated by Carol Harmel, catalog.

– Fatti di terra, Opere di Claudio Pieroni, Enrico Partengo e Marco G. Ferrari, Stanza–ci sono cieli dappertutto, Narni, Italy, October 7–December 7, 2018. Installation of “Spirit Level” (2015-16, 31 min).

Visible Evidence Conference XXV, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, August 11, 2018. Screened “Spirit Level”, 2015–16, 30:00 min. http://www.visibleevidence.org

Premio Combat 2018 Prize–Ninth Edition—Video Section, Museo G. Fattori, Livorno, Italy, June 23–July 14, 2018. Screened “Spirit Level”, 2015–16 (loop). http://www.premiocombat.it/finalisti

Parts Extra Partes Festival––First Edition, Chiasso Perduto, Florence, Italy, April 20, 2018. Screened “Resti”, 2014 (loop).



Artificialia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Vibo Valentia/Castello Svevo-Normanno di Vibo Valentia (VV), Italy, July 29–September 9, 2017, group exhibit. Featuring video installations of “Surfaces: Grand Crossing II”, 2015 and “D(z)iga”, 2012 within the museum’s permanent greco-roman archeological exhibitions. Part of FRAC (Festival di Ricerca per le arti contemporanee), curated by Simona S. Caramia. http://www.fracfestival.com.

On the Road, Pio Monti Arte Contemporanea, Rome, Italy, June 15–July 15, 2017, gallery group exhibit. Exhibited projection still of “Surfaces: Grand Crossing” on the surface of the Saint Laurence school building (public intervention, Grand Crossing, Chicago, IL, USA), 2015, pvc mesh banner, cm 75 x 100. Catalog with texts by Angelo Capasso, Nikla Cingolani e una poesia di Nicola Monti. http://piomonti.com

Stanza––ci sono cieli dappertutto, Narni (TR), Italy, April 22, 2017, group exhibit. Gallery screening with presentation by Prof. Brunella Antomarini (John Cabot University) of my past film/video projects including “Velodrome”, 2012; “D(z)iga”, 2012; “Parabola”, 2012; “Ferragosto”, 2013; and “Spirit Level”, 2017. In conjunction with the closing of the exhibit “La Casa e le Stagioni – Casa Ghirri” and the beginning of a new group exhibition project titled “Lessness”. http://www.stanza.cloud

Alumni Showcase—works from DoVA alumni, Logan Center for the Arts, Screen Share Video Gallery, University of Chicago, IL, USA, February 16–23, 2017. Screened “Spirit Level”, 2015–16, 30:00 min (loop). https://voices.uchicago.edu/screensharevideogallery/2017/01/23/program-2/

Fear and Loathing of the Online Self: A Savage Journey Into The Heart of Digital Culture, Esc Atelier, Rome, Italy, May 23, 2017, conference. Screened “Newport”, 2017 16mm transferred to hd, 7:00 min, a new work based on the online self for the closing celebration of conference (co-organized by Prof. Peter Sarram and Prof. Donatella Della Ratta, John Cabot University). http://networkcultures.org/online-self/program/



University of Chicago Alumni Arts Exhibition, Logan Center for the Arts Gallery & Logan Center for the Arts Screening Room, The University of Chicago, IL, USA, June 3–5, 2016. Screened Nacelle, 2015 and Resti, 2014, hd video.

Water Works!, curated online exhibition and forum, www.water-wheel.net, March 18–20, 2016. Screened Ferragosto, 2013, hd video.

Lucciche: A Video Art Symposium, Ponte di Ferro, Carrara, Italy, June 22–25, 2016. Screened Resti, 2014, hd video and Parabola, 2013, hd video. Co-curated.



Looking Askance, Gallery SKE and The University of Chicago Delhi Center, New Delhi, India, October 18–November 10, 2015. Exhibited Ferragosto, 2013, hd video.

William Pope.L: Cage Unrequited, a 25-hour marathon reading of experimental composer John Cage’s book ‘Silence: Lectures and Writings’ (1961), UChicago MFA Class of 2013, 2:20 am reading slot (Anthony Adock, Maggie Crowley, Marco G. Ferrari, Paul Somers, & Stephanie Trevor), Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL, November 22, 2015.

Sound Track: Experimental Takes on the Music Video, La Sala at Cantina Royal, Brooklyn, NY, USA, January 22, 2015. Screened Velodrome Re-Mixed , 2012, hd video.



Presence, Immersion and Location, 14th Biennial Symposium for Arts and Technology at Connecticut College, Hygienic Art Gallery, New London, CT, USA, February 28–March 15, 2014. Exhibited Velodrome, 2012, hd video. Catalog.

Requiem for the Beast: Closing Reception, John Preus’ solo exhibition at the Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL, USA, August 2, 2014. Exhibited Ferragosto, 2013, hd video, and Resti, 2014, hd video.

The Athens International Film and Video Festival, Athens Center for Film and Video, College of Fine Arts at Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA, April 14, 2014. Screened Parabola, 2013, hd video.



Syzygy: 2013 MFA Graduates of the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Chicago, Bridgeport Arts Center, Chicago, IL, USA, June 21–July 19, 2013. Exhibited Velodrome, 2012, hd video; Ferrargosto Video Still I, 2013, plexiglas and Ferrargosto Video Still II, 2013, plexiglas. Co-Curator.

Sway: 2013 Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition (Ferrari, Harris-Trevor & Somers), Logan Center for the Arts Gallery & Screening Room, The University of Chicago, IL, USA, May 18–26, 2013. Exhibited Attraction, 2012, hd video; Diga, 2012, hd video; Ferragosto, 2013, hd video; Skyway, 2012–13, hd video: and Parabola, 2013, hd video.



Third Annual Juried Exhibition, DoVA Temporary Gallery at The University of Chicago, IL, USA, February 10–25, 2012. Exhibited Velodrome, 2012, hd video.



Sense of Place, Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago, IL, USA, June 4–September16, 2011. Exhibited Flight–Surface, 2010, sd video. Curated by Kate Zellar; catalog.

L’Arte non è Cosa Nostra, Italian Pavilion, 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, Italy, June 4–November 27, 2011. Exhibited Sense of Place: IIC–Chicago & Venice Biennale–Chicago Artists, 2011, sd video. Curated by Vittorio Sgarbi and Francesca Valente; catalog.2007



Aurora Project: Progress 2007, Grafiche Aurora, Verona, Italy, December 2007–June 2008. Exhibited Chicago (coming and going), 2007, sd video. Catalog.



Baldoria: Five Italian-American Artists, Buddy Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, October 2002. Exhibited Red Trees Project, 2002, sd video.

San Giò Video Festival, Verona, Italy, July 2002. Screened Qui si può passare, 2002, sd video and Full Circle, 2000, sd video.



Angelciti Film Festival, Biograph Theater, Chicago, IL, June 2001. Screened Full Circle, 2000, sd video.

International Short English Film Festival, ARCI, Legnago, Italy, 2000. Screened Full Circle, 2000, sd video.



Generations, Wood Street Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, 1997. Exhibited EL, 1985, bronze.





– Live projection performance of an excerpt of the film “Full Circle: a documentary on the sculptor Virginio Ferrari” for the inauguration of the environmental sculpture dedication “Cristalli in formazione” by Virginio Ferrari, Museo Madonna della Sbarra, Panicale (PG), Italy, Friday August 11, 2023. Co-curated by Assessorato Servizi ai cittadini and the Ferrari Art Foundation. Musicians included, Margherita Tamburi (violin) and Francesco Marroni (piano) performing “Sonata in La maggiore per violino e pianoforte” by César Auguste Franck, organized by La Libera Associazione Pankalon.



Proiezione Collettiva, April 25, 2021, single-channel, hd video projector, facade of the Virginia Woolf school building, silent, image approx. 8 x 10 m, 120 min, via del Pigneto 172, Giardino Angelo Galafatii, Rome, Italy. Public projection performance, Marco G. Ferrari (personal/collaborative work). With the assistance of Quell@ del 25, Comitato di Quartiere Pigneto-Prenestino, Csoa eXSnia Centro di Documentazione Maria Baccante – Archivio Storico Viscosa, R. Alessandro Turchioe. Part of “Pigneto Resistente; Quartiere in festa – Giorni di Liberazione 2021”, organized by 25 Aprile-Roma Est, ANPI – Sezione Pigneto-Tor Pignattara, Quell@ del 25 Aprile, Sparwasser, VIVE’RO.


– Le operaie della Viscosa di Roma—omaggio a un Monumento Naturale (per una scena di Porta Maggiore): Proiezione notturna estranea n. 6; Sulla struttura di cemento (mostro) nel Lago Bullicante Ex Snia, June 15, 2020, hd video projector, facade of abandoned concrete structure, silent, image size approx. 15 x 20 x 10 m, 120 min (continuous loop), Lago Bullicante Ex Snia, Rome, Italy, public projection, Marco G. Ferrari (personal work)––projected Lavoratrici in lotta: Le operaie della Viscosa di Roma, 2020, hd video, color, sound, 16:34 min, Marco G. Ferrari (collaborative work). With the assistance of: Centro di Documentazione Territoriale Maria Baccante, CSOA Ex Snia, Brancoro, Forum Parco delle Energie, R. Alessandro Turchioe, Lavinia Giardina, Massimiliano Micheli, Maurizio Pastano, Marco Salerosso, Maria Lepre.


Meduse (per una scena di Porta Maggiore): Proiezione notturna estranea n. 2; Nella prateria del Lago Bullicante/Ex Snia, Festa—Ritorno al lago che combatte, Lago Bullicante Ex Snia, Parco Delle Energie, October 13, 2019, Rome, Italy, festival, solo projection, with the support of Csoa Ex Snia, Forum Territoriale del Parco delle Energie and the Comitato del Quartiere Pigneto-Prenestino. Featured “Meduse (per una scena di Porta Maggiore)”, 2019, hd video, color, silent, 8:49 min, public projection—single-channel, hd projector, trees (image 10 x 15 m.), silent, 120 min. continuous loop.

Delfini (per una scena di Porta Maggiore): Proiezione notturna estranea n. 3; Sull’Acquedotto Felice, via del Mandrione, Thursday November 28, 2019, 5:00-7:00pm, Via del Mandrione 390, Rome, Italy, group performance, solo projection, in collaboration with Stalker/NoWorking, part of the the program “L’inatteso a Roma Est”, with the support of Csoa Ex Snia, Forum Territoriale del Parco delle Energie and the Comitato del Quartiere Pigneto-Prenestino. Featured “Delfini (per una scena di Porta Maggiore)”, 2019, hd video, color, silent, 24:25 min, public projection—single-channel, hd projector, aqueduct, (image 10 x 15 m), silent, 120 min, continuous loop.

Stella, polipo, anemone, pagliaccio (per una scena di Porta Maggiore): Proiezione notturna estranea n. 4; Nella ‘stecca’ centrale del complesso di case popolari IACP (ora ATER) di Viale Giorgio Morandi (architetti Gatti e De Sanctis), Tor Sapienza, December 8, 2019, 5:00-7:00 pm, Viale G. Morandi snc, Rome, Italy, group performance, solo projection, in collaboration with the Centro Culturale G. Morandi and Stalker/NoWorking, part of the program “L’inatteso a Roma Est—Scuola di Urbanesimo Nomade”, with the support of Csoa Ex Snia, Forum Territoriale del Parco delle Energie and the Comitato del Quartiere Pigneto-Prenestino. Featured “Stella, polipo, anemone, pagliaccio (per una scena di Porta Maggiore)”, 2019. hd, color, silent, 11:21 min, public projection—single-channel, hd projector, external building complex hallway, (image 10 x 15 x 15 m), silent, 120 min, continuous loop.



Proiezione notturna estranea n. 1; Palazzina della Csoa Ex Snia; Le api del lago Bullicante Ex Snia (per una scena di Porta Maggiore), Logos-Festa della Parola, Ottava edizione, Csoa Ex Snia, Parco Delle Energie, October 13, 2018, Rome, Italy, festival, solo projection, with the support of Csoa Ex Snia, Forum Territoriale del Parco delle Energie and the Comitato del Quartiere Pigneto-Prenestino. Featured “Le api del lago Bullicante Ex Snia (per una scena di Porta Maggiore)”, 2018, hd video, color, silente, 31:49 min, public projection—single-channel, hd projector, two pvc screens 3.5 x 11 m. each (image 7 x 11 m.), bench, scaffolding, silent, 120 min. continuous loop.



L’alterità e il paesaggio: i film sperimentali di Marco G. Ferrari, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Rome, Italy, May 30, 2017. Exterior looped projection of “Ferragosto” (2013) onto the theater building.



Lucciche: A Video Art Symposium, Ponte di Ferro, Carrara, Italy, June 25, 2016. Installed Contrails & Body, 2011–16, outdoor two-channel hd video projection without sound onto the foundations of a steel bridge, 20’ x 40’ each.



Night of Illumination: Opening Celebration, Rebuild Foundation, Chicago, IL, October 3, 2015. Installed Surfaces: Grand Crossing I, 2015, single-channel hd video outdoor projection with sound onto the Stony Island Arts Bank, 25’ x 45’.

Surfaces, Grand Crossing, Chicago, IL, USA, June 21, 2015. Installed Surfaces: Grand Crossing I, 2015, single-channel hd video outdoor projection with sound onto the Saint Laurence School building, 35’(h) x 55’(w); and screening of Surfaces: Grand Crossing II, 2015, sd video, with cuisine by chef Kristopher Murray at Black Cinema House. Part of the Black Cinema House Film Fellowship, Rebuild Foundation.



Fulton Market Cold Storage Warehouse, Chicago, IL, USA, November 22, 2012. Installed Dancer’s Body, 2011–12, single-channel hd video outdoor guerrilla projection onto the warehouse facade, 15’ x 30’.

Openings, The University of Chicago Medical Center, IL, USA, May 11, 2012. Installed Openings, 2012, single-channel hd video outdoor projection with sound onto the facade of the Surgery-Brain Research Pavilion, 40’ x 20’. A collaborative project with Biology PhD candidate Jared Clemens, for the Logan Center for the Arts 2012 Arts/Science Graduate Collaboration Grant.




– “Serpentine”, Ludovica Manzo (sound) with Marco G. Ferrari (live video) audiovisual set, Klang, Rome, Italy, November 21, 2021.


Sirenii (per una scena di Porta Maggiore): Proiezione notturna estranea n. 5; lato del palazzo di via Braccio da Montone 62, Roma, con musicisti Igor Legari (contrabbasso) e Giacomo Ancillotto (chitarra elettrica), February 14, 2020, hd projector, side of residential building on via Braccio da Montone 62, Rome, Italy, live sound featuring musicians Igor Legari (double bass) and Giacomo Ancillotto (electric guitar), image size approximately 15 x 20 m, 30 min, projected from via Gentile da Mogliano 29, Rome, Italy. Public projection performance, Marco G. Ferrari (personal work). Projection of “Sirenii (per una scena di Porta Maggiore)”, 2019-20, hd video, color, silent, 13:11 min, Italy, Marco G. Ferrari (personal work). Part of “Marco Asilo: La Casa Ospitale; Home Performances (for the broken hearts)”, casa di Marco G. Ferrari, Rome, Italy, February 14, 2020, group exhibit, presented by Rigenera, with the support of Csoa Ex Snia and the Comitato del Quartiere Pigneto-Prenestino.



– “Immagina Sparita (The Vanished Image)” with Ludovica Manzo (voice, live sampler); Luca Venitucci (accordion, electronics); Giacomo Ancillotto (guitar, electronics; Igor Legari  (double-bass); Lulu Shamiyya (spoken word); & Marco G. Ferrari (live video projections). Performed at: Symposia #5––Delay or Die, NONE Collective, Rome, Italy, May 26, 2018, http://simposio.none.business; The Revolutions Won’t Be Televised, Esc Atelier, Rome, Italy, May 24, 2018, https://www.dinamopress.it/news/event/the-revolutions-wont-be-televised-immagini-archivi-dalle-rivolte-del-2011/; Siria: l’immagine sparita; improvvisazione voce-video-suono, Ex Asilo Filangieri di Napoli, Naples, Italy, April 19, 2018. Co-sponsored by Centro Studi Postcoloniali e di Genere (CSPG), Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, http://www.exasilofilangieri.it/siria-limmagine-sparita-improvvisazione-voce-video-suono/; “What’s left of the Syrian Revolution”, International Journalism Festival, Perugia, Italy, April 12, 2018, https://www.journalismfestival.com/programme/2018/whats-left-of-the-syrian-revolution; “The Work of Art in Post-Human Times: Workshop on Aesthetics”,  John Cabot University, Rome, Italy, September 8, 2018, curated by Brunella Antomarini, Stefan Sorgner with the support of the Department of Communications and the Department of History and the Humanities, John Cabot University.

The Little Match Girl Passion by David Lang, directed by Dado, Facility Theater, Chicago, IL, USA, April 13–29, 2018. Featured the video “Resti”, 2014 (loop). http://facilitytheatre.org/productions/the-little-match-girl-passion-david-lang/



Logos festival della Parola: Rivoluzione 2017, Csoa Ex Snia, Parco delle Energie, Sala T, Rome, Italy. Featuring “Cinema espanso” an expanded cinema audiovisual performance of “Pensa” and “Immagina Sparita (The Vanished Image)” with Ludovica Manzo (voice, live sampler); Luca Venitucci (accordion, electronics); Giacomo Ancillotto (guitar, electronics; Igor Legari  (double-bass); Lulu Shamiyya (spoken word); & Marco G. Ferrari (live video projections). http://www.logosfest.org/programma-logos-2017/

– Franco Ferguson & Improring, Fanfulla 5/a (Circolo ARCI), Rome, Italy, February 8, May 3, November 8, 2017 & January 10, 2018. Improvised jazz music performances with live video projections by Marco G. Ferrari. http://www.fanfulla5a.it, https://www.facebook.com/franco.ferguson



– Stony Island Arts Bank, Rebuild Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, May 5, 2016. Performed live single-channel hd video projections with live musical performances by The Sync (The Bridge #5) featuring John Sutton, Ben Lamar Gaye, Sylvaine Hélary & Ève Risser. Co-Curator.



Dream State: an improvised audiovisual performance, Black Cinema House, Rebuild Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, November 5, 2015. Performed live single-channel hd video projections with live musical performances by The Turbine Tour/The Bridge, and guests George Schaefer (16mm film) and John Nelson (percussion). (Co-curator)

Comfort Music: Parlour Tapes, Comfort Station Logan Square, Chicago, IL, USA, September 24, 2015. Performed live, single-channel hd video projections with a live musical performance by Francisco Castillo Trigueros. Curated by Andrew Tham.

The Bridge: Sonic Communion Exploratory Tour, Black Cinema House, Rebuild Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, May 4, 2015. Performed live single-channel hd video projections with a live musical performance by The Bridge and musician Yaw Agyeman. Co-curator.

Nacelle: Closing Night Reception, Blanc Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, May 1, 2015. Performed live single-channel hd outdoor video projections onto the Chicago Defender building with a DJ set by Frank Orrall (8fatfat8).

Looptail XXX-tra, De Link, Tilburg, Netherlands, April 7, 2015. Screened Resti, 2014, hd video with music composed by Fransisco Castillo Trigueros, performed live by the ensemble Looptail.



Het Orgelpark, Amsterdam, March 14, 2015. Screened Resti, 2014, hd video with music composed by Fransisco Castillo Trigueros, performed live by the ensemble Looptail.

Gaudeamus MuziekWeek, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 12, 2014. Screened Resti, 2014, hd video with music composed by Fransisco Castillo Trigueros, performed live by the ensemble Looptail.

Sonic Fractus: University of Chicago Computer Music Studio Concert, Fulton Recital Hall, Goodspeed Hall, University of Chicago, IL, USA, May 20, 2014. Screened Velodrome Re-mixed, 2012, hd video, with music composed and performed live by Fransisco Castillo Trigueros.



From the Arctic to the Middle East: Broken Narratives by an American Flamenco Dancer, Clinard Dance Theater, Cindy Pritzker Auditorium, Harold Washington Library, Chicago, IL, USA, February 16, 2011; Des Lee Auditorium, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, MO, USA, April 2012; Links Hall, Chicago, IL, USA, April 20 and 22, 2012; Mayne Stage, Chicago, IL, USA, February 22, 2013; Logan Center for the Arts, University of Chicago, IL, USA, June 27–28, 2014. Designed and performed live single-channel sd video projections.



– Susan Voelz and the Defenders of the Monarchy Treasures concert, Temple Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, August 16, 2010. Performed live single-channel hd video projections.

– Deep Blue Field concert, Terzo Piano at the Art Institute, Chicago, IL, USA, August 4, 2010. Performed live single-channel hd video projections.

– Deep Blue Field concert, Old Town School of Folk Music, Chicago, IL, USA, October 16, 2010. Performed live single-channel sd video projections.



– Deep Blue Field concert, Lincoln Hall, Chicago, IL, USA, October 22, 2009. Performed live single-channel hd video projections.



Intercommunication: 8fatfat8 music & Marco G. Ferrari video, First Fridays Event, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, IL, USA, October 5, 2007. Performed live single-channel sd video projections.

Elements of Peace: Giuseppe Grifeo Solo Concert with live projections by Marco G. Ferrari, Elastic Arts Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, March 23, 2007. Performed live single-channel sd video projections.

– Topaz & R. Walters 20th Congress Band with Fred Wesley concert, Metro, Chicago, IL, USA, April. Performed live single-channel sd video projections.

Carmen Remixed, by Poi Dog Pondering in collaboration with the Chicago Sinfonietta, Orchestra Hall, Chicago, IL, USA June 4, 2007; and Dominican University, River Forest, IL, USA, June 10, 2007. Co-directed and performed live single-channel sd video projections.



– Resident VJ at Marshall McGearty Tobacco Lounge, Chicago, IL, USA, July–December 2006. Performed live single-channel sd video projections without sound.

Gen Art: Ignite, Kaleidoscope, Chicago, IL, USA, July 20, 2006. Performed live single-channel sd indoor video projections without sound.

Gen Art: Alberto VO5 Event, River North Art Center, Chicago, IL, USA, February 2006. Performed live single-channel sd indoor video projections without sound.



– Poi Dog Pondering concerts, 2005–present: Acorn Theater, Three Oaks, MI, USA; Antone’s, Austin, TX, USA; Beverly Arts Center, Chicago, IL, USA; Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, MO, USA; City Winery, Chicago, IL, USA; The Continental Club, Houston, TX, USA; Double Door, Chicago, IL, USA; House of Blues, New Orleans, LA, USA; Lincoln Hall, Chicago, IL, USA; Metro, Chicago, IL, USA; Metropolis, Palatine, IL, USA; Monkey Bowl, Nashville, TN, USA; Paramount Theater, Aurora, IL, USA; Ravinia Festival, Highland Park, IL, USA; Shank Hall, Milwaukee, WI, USA; The Southgate House Revival, Newport, KY, USA; Tivoli Theater, Downers Grove, IL, USA; and The Vic Theater, Chicago, IL, USA. Performed live single and two-channel indoor/outdoor video projections.



– DJ Timo Maas, Crobar, Pure Production, Chicago, IL, USA, May 2002. Performed live single-channel sd video projections.

– Electronica with DJ Traxx, Redno Five, Chicago, IL, USA, August 2002. Performed live single-channel sd video projections.



– Topaz & R. Walters 20th Congress Band with Fred Wesley concert, Metro, Chicago, IL, USA, April. Performed live single-channel sd video projections.





Lavoratrici in lotta: Le operaie della Viscosa di Roma, 2020, HD color and b/w video, sound, 16:35 min, Rome, Italy, Marco G. Ferrari, community/moving image work. Directed by Marco G. Ferrari, edited by Lavinia Giardina, produced by Archivio Viscosa, with the assistance of CSOA Ex Snia, Brancoro and Forum Parco delle Energie.


Virginio Ferrari: Dialogo, 2019, single-channel sd color video with sound, 24 minutes for Terra Foundation, Design Chicago and the University of Chicago Logan Center for the Arts.

– Riflessioni – Ritorno al lago che combatte, 2019, hd video, color, sound, 5:33 min, Rome, Italy. Marco G. Ferrari (commissioned work). Directed/Shot/Edited by Marco G. Ferrari. Camera assistants: Manuela Paravani and Liryc della Cruz. With the support of Forum Territoriale Permanente del Parco delle Energie & Csoa Ex Snia.


Poi Dog Pondering: AudioVisivo, 2004, two disc DVD project, standard definition color video with sound, 60 min, Premonition Records, Chicago, IL, USA, 2008. Includes a documentary film on the musical group Poi Dog Pondering and the official music video “Perfect Music” (3:18 min). Director, Co-Producer, Cinematographer & Editor.



Sandro: Figure e Ritratti, 2006, sd color video with sound, 60 min. Documentary film on photographer Sandro Miller’s retrospective exhibition at the Centro Internazionale di Fotografia, Verona, Italy. Director, Co-Producer, Cinematographer & Editor.



Full Circle: a documentary film on sculptor Virginio Ferrari, 2004, single-channel sd color video with sound, 140 minutes for the exhibit Virginio Ferrari: Ombre della Sera; 1957–2003, April 17–July 20, 2003.



Red Trees Project, 2002, single-channel sd color video with sound, 7 min. Documentary video for artist Lee Tracy, Chicago, IL, USA. Director, Co-Producer, Cinematographer & Editor.




Aeneas, 2017-18, single-channel hd video, sound, color, 1 min. Poem by Gabriele Tinti; read by Alessandro Haber; filmed at Ara Pacis, Rome; cinematography/edited by Marco G. Ferrari; co-edited by Barbara Greco.

The Galatian Suicide, 2017-18, single-channel hd video, sound, color, 1 min. Poem by Gabriele Tinti; read by Enrico Lo Verso; filmed at Palazzo Altemps, Rome; cinematography/edited by Marco G. Ferrari; co-edited by Barbara Greco.

Marsyas, 2017-18, single-channel hd video, sound, color, 1 min. Poem by Gabriele Tinti; read by Franco Nero; filmed at Musei Capitolini, Rome; cinematography/edited by Marco G. Ferrari; co-edited by Barbara Greco.

Polyphemus, 2017-18, single-channel hd video, sound, color, 1 min. Poem by Gabriele Tinti; read by Luigi Lo Cascio; filmed at Palazzo Altemps, Rome; cinematography/edited by Marco G. Ferrari; co-edited by Barbara Greco.



Pull, 2013, single-channel sd color video with sound, 4:00 minutes, May 2013. Promotional video for artist William Pope.L’s performance project at Spaces, Cleveland, OH, USA. Cinematographer & Editor.



Child (NZ), 2012, standard definition color video with sound, 10 min. For artist William Pope.L’s presentation “Inside the Artist’s Studio: Pope.L’s New Zealand Project,” Logan Center for the Arts Performance, The University of Chicago, IL, USA, October 12, 2012. Cinematographer & Editor.



Carpisa 2007 Fall Collection Backstage Photo Shoot, 2007, single-channel sd color video with sound, 7 min. For  Kuvera S.p.A/Carpisa, Naples, Italy. Cinematographer & Editor.



Sponsor Loop Projections, three standard definition color videos without sound, 5 min (each). For Gen Art events at Union Station and Kaleidoscope, Chicago, IL, USA, March, July and September 2006. Cinematographer & Editor.




Pull!, William Pope.L public performance art project in collaboration with Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, OH, USA, June 2013. Camera and Sound Operator.



– Miss India USA Pageant, Rosemount Center, IL, USA, September 2002. Live Camera Operator.



Guitar/Sitar Festival, L’Atico Modern Art Gallery (Fabio Sergentini), Rome, Italy, July 2000. A documentary film by Fabiana Sergentini. Camera Operator.



– Archaeological Excavations of Rome’s Capitolino Museums Moloch Rosso Productions, Perugia, Italy, May–August 1999. Camera Operator.

– Paolo Buggiani performance art project, Moloch Rosso Productions, Perugia, Italy, May–August 1999. Camera Operator.




The Long White Cloud, 2014–15, single-channel hd color video with sound, 37 min. Written and directed by William Pope.L, commissioned by the Te Tuhi gallery, New Zealand. USA Editor.



– Sandro Miller Montage Video, 2007, single-channel sd color video with sound, 10 min. For Sandro Inc., Chicago, IL, USA. Editor.




– Television Commercials, Ron Ascher Productions, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA, 1998–2000. Production Coordinator. Industrial Videos, Fox & Christ, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA, 1998–99. Production Coordinator.

– Flanagan’s Wake, Royal George Theater, Chicago, IL, USA, 1998–2000. Stage Manager.



– Television Commercials, Big Deahl Productions Inc., Chicago, IL, USA, 1997–99. Production Assistant.



– Industrial Videos, Bucktown Pictures, Chicago, IL, December 1999. Production Assistant.

Don’t Flush, independent feature film, Canamac Productions, Chicago, IL, USA, October 1999. Production Assistant.



– Television Commercials, Leo Burnett USA, Chicago, IL, USA, July 1998. Production Assistant.

– Television Commercials, The Nevada Production Company, Las Vegas, NV, 1998. Production Assistant.

When a Woman’s Fed Up, R. Kelly music video, Arsenal Production Co., Los Angels, CA, USA, 1998. Production Assistant.

– Marilyn N. Scanlon feature film, Chicago, IL, USA, May 1998. Sound Assistant.

Killing the Cat, Aleksandra Hodowany Columbia College Graduate School Film, Chicago, IL, USA, July 1998. Grip.



– Slink Moss & The Flying Aces concert, Schubas Bar Chicago, IL, USA, December 1997. Sound Mixer.

– Industrial Videos, Viva! Lundin Pictures, Chicago, IL, USA, December 1997. Grip.



– Barrack, Ferranzzano, Kirschbaum & Perlmen, Law Firm Chicago, IL, USA. Assistant Law Librarian.





– Cinema and Media Studies: 23930–Documentary Production I, Autumn Quarter, 2022.

– Cinema and Media Studies: 23931–Documentary Production II, Winter Quarter, 2023.

– Cinema and Media Studies: 23930–Documentary Production I, Autumn Quarter, 2023.

– Cinema and Media Studies: 23931–Documentary Production II, Winter Quarter, 2024.

– Cinema and Media Studies: 289525—Expanded Cinema, Spring Quarter, 2024.




– Digital Media and Design: 173––Introduction to Sound, Spring Semester, 2022.

– Digital Media and Design: 233––Digital Video Editing, Spring Semester, 2022.




– Media Studies: 111­­––Introduction to Visual Communications 111, Fall Semester 2017 & 2018.

– Media Studies: 210––Introduction to Cinema, Spring Semester, 2018.

– Media Studies/Italian: 243––Cinematic Rome, Summer Session II, 2018.

– Media Studies: 342–– Experimental Film, Fall Semester, 2021. (course design)

– Digital Media Arts: 230––Foundations of Digital Video Production, Fall Semesters, 2017-21; Spring Semesters, 2018-21; and Summer Session I, 2020 & 2022.

– Digital Media Arts: 387––Expanded Cinema, Spring Semesters, 2017-20; Fall Semester, 2020. (course design)




– Studio Art: 279––The Video Essay: a genre of experience, Summer Session II, 2011-13. (course design)

– Studio Art: 179––Photography on Location in Europe, Summer Session II, 2014-17, 2019.

– Studio Art: 295–Foundations of Digital Video, Summer Session II, 2021. (course design)





– Cinema: 302––Documentary Production Workshop, Spring Semester, 2018.




– Self + Otherness Film Workshops: Introduction to Filmmaking, October–December, 2015. (course design)

– Self + Otherness Film Workshops: Video Essay, January–March, 2016. (course design)

– Self + Otherness Film Workshops: Expanded Cinema, April–June, 2016. Final student screening was an outdoor projection on an abandoned Energy building (ComEd), Grand Crossing neighborhood. (course design)




– Visual Art: 10300––Visual Language: On Time and Space, Winter Quarter, 2014. (course design)




– Visual Art: 10300––Visual Language: On Time and Space, Catherine Sullivan, Spring Quarter, 2011 and 2013.

– Visual Art: 10300––Visual Language: On Time and Space, Karthik Pandian, Fall Quarter, 2013.

– Visual Art: 23931––Documentary Production III: A co-production with Kartemquin Films, Judy Hoffman, Spring Quarter 2012.

– Visual Art: 23931––Documentary Production II: A co-production with Kartemquin Films, Judy Hoffman, Winter Quarter, 2012.




– “Io e L’Aleterità: corso di cinema gratuito” (Self & Otherness: free film course), Csoa Ex Snia, Parco delle Energie, Rome, Italy, March–May, 2018, Teaching Artist. (course design) http://marcogferrari.com/lio-e-lalterita-corso-di-cinema-exsnia/



FERRARI FOUNDATION, CHICAGO, IL, USA, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR/CO-FOUNDER. The nonprofit art organization functions to educate the public of Virginio Ferrari’s extensive work in the field of contemporary sculpture and public art, while seeking to be an active organization in the production of public artworks, exhibition programming, and community based initiatives—bridging Italy and Chicago to inaugurate projects where artists and scholars collaborate to engage with the public and revitalize ideas and spaces.



Selected Programs:


Cristalli in formazione, 1998-2002 (installed in 2022, dedicated on August 11th, 2023), Pietra Serena, Seven elements, 1 x 1 x 1 m (each), Museo Madonna della Sbarra, Panicale (PG), Italy, Virginio Ferrari. Donated to the town of Panicale by the Ferrari Foundation in memory of Marisa Boccaccini Ferrari. Sculpture location and dedication organization.

–  Visiting Artists Initiative, a curated series of student interactions and screenings at the University of Chicago for Chicago based filmmakers, Kristina Valada-Viars and Echaka Agba, co-Creators/Directors/Producers.

– MFA student studio visits, Department of Visual Arts, University of Chicago, February 23, 2023.

– Cinema and Media Studies, Documentary Production II student film rough cut critique session, February 24, 2023.

The Root & The Bloom: Where Could We Go—A Map of Finding Home with Echaka Agba and Kristina Valada-Viars in conversation with Marco Ferrari, Film Studies Center, Logan Center for the Arts, University of Chicago, Illinois, February 24, 2023, presented by the Film Studies Center with support from the Department of Cinema and Media Studies and the Open Practice Committee in the Department of Visual Arts. https://filmstudiescenter.uchicago.edu/events/2023/root-bloom-where-could-we-go—-map-finding-home



– Visiting Artists Initiative, a curated series of artists talks, screenings, and community meetings for two Chicago based filmmakers, Kristina Valada-Viars and Echaka Agba, co-Creators/Directors/Producers who presented their work to the public: “(Coordinate 1) The Root: Looking For Ancestors In My Fathers Garden” and “(Coordinate 2) The Bloom” (work in progress) from their collection “Where Could We Go: A Map Of Finding Home” (www.wherecouldwegoseries.com).

– John Cabot University, Aula Magna, Rome, Italy, October 18, 2021. Artist talk and screening in collaboration with the Department of Communications.

John Cabot University, Rome, Italy, October 19, 2021. COM 342–– Experimental Film class discussion and workshop.

– NoWorking, October 23, 2021, Rome, Italy. Artist talk, screening and dinner.

– Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Rome, Italy, October 27, 2021. Artist talk and screening. Part of XIª edizione di Logos—Festa della Parola.

– “Transfemminonda 3.04 – Dove Potremmo Andare: Una mappa per trovare casa, una conversazione con Echaka Agba e Kristina Valada-Viars”. Radio interview, October 30, 2021. https://radiosonar.net/podcast/transfemminonda-3-04-dove-potremmo-andare/


VIRGINIO FERRARI SCULPTOR, CHICAGO, IL, USA, VERONA AND GUARDISTALLO, ITALY, STUDIO CURATOR & MANAGER. Responsibilities include: production and installation of sculptures; private, corporate and civic sculpture project management (proposal, commission, donation, preservation); organization of solo and group exhibitions; design and maintenance of archival image library; production of visual documentation; intern/assistant hiring and direction; public relations; and budgeting.



Selected Public Sculpture Productions:

Cristalli in formazione, 1998-2002 (installed in 2022, dedicated on August 11th, 2023), Pietra Serena, Seven elements, 1 x 1 x 1 m (each), Museo Madonna della Sbarra, Panicale (PG), Italy, Virginio Ferrari. Donated to the town of Panicale by the Ferrari Foundation in memory of Marisa Boccaccini Ferrari. Sculpture location and dedication organization.

Forme della terra, sculpture dedication, Guardistallo, Italy, September 23, 2017.

Caring, Virginio Ferrari, 2015, white statuario Carrara and gray bardiglietto marble, 267 x 196 x 122 cm, University of Chicago Medicine, Center for Care and Discovery, West Lobby, 5700 S. Maryland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Sponsored by the Bucksbaum Institute for Clinical Excellence. Project Manager.

The Family, Virginio Ferrari, 1995–2010, stainless steel and bronze, 300 x 800 x 800 cm, Riverside Landscaping Belt, Expo 2010, Shanghai, China; and official dedication September 19, 2010, with the support of the World Expo Bureau, USA Consul General, USA Pavilion, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago Sister Cities International Program and Project Midway. Project Manager.

Atto Sublime, Virginio Ferrari, 2009–10, stainless steel and bronze, 400 x 1000 x 1000 cm, Ba Yi Middle School, Deyang, Sichuan, China, 2010, sponsored by Project Midway. Project Manager.

Ecstasy, Virginio Ferrari, 1974, bronze, 823 x 193.1 x 132.1 cm, Chicago Park District, Harold Washington Park (Burnham Park), Model Yacht Basin, Chicago, IL, USA. 2007. Project Manager.

– Like the Time They Go by Virginio Ferrari, 1977, concrete, 61 x 914.4 x 3048 cm, Chicago Public Schools, William H. Ray Elementary School, Chicago, IL, 2002. Project Manager.


Selected Curated Exhibitions:

– Dialogo: Virginio Ferrari and Chicago, Fall 2018 Public Programs, University of Chicago / Terra—Foundation for American Art. https://www.artdesignchicago.org/programs/dialogo-virginio-ferrari-and-chicago. https://arts.uchicago.edu/public-art/special-projects/virginioferrari

Interlocking: Models and Proposals by Virginio Ferrari, Corvus Gallery, Gordon Parks Arts Hall, University of Chicago Laboratory School,Chicago, Illinois, October 4-December 14, 2018. Interlocking: Models and Proposals by Virginio Ferrari considers the artistic processes and stages of planning required to create large scale works of public art through the lens of Italian-born, Chicago-based sculptor Virginio Ferrari.

– Smart Museum/Logan Center Family Festival, Smart Museum of Art, Logan Center for the Arts, October 6, 2018. The Logan Center for the Arts and the Smart Museum team up to celebrate Italian-born, Chicago-based sculptor Virginio Ferrari in conjunction with the second annual Logan Center Bluesfest.

Dialogo Dialogo, University of Chicago, Albert Pick Hall for International Studies, Chicago, Illinois, October 6, 2018. UChicago Arts presents a live performance by Dancer Irene Hsiao and musician Joey Brink responding to the work of Italian-born, Chicago-based sculptor Virginio Ferrari.

The Lifespan of Public Art: A Humanities Day Conversation with Virginio Ferrari and Andrei Pop  (Featuring: Virginio Ferrari, Andrei Pop, John Kuhns), University of Chicago Laboratory School, Drama Studio, Chicago, IL, October 20, 2018.

Taking Flight: Chicago Public Art and Virginio Ferrari, Cochrane Woods Art Center, Chicago, Illinois, November 8, 2018. Presented by Erika Doss, professor in the Department of American Studies at the University of Notre Dame and Alex J. Taylor, Assistant Professor and Academic Curator at the University of Pittsburgh.

Virginio Ferrari, College of Art and Design, Beijing University of Technology, September 15–16, 2010, sponsored by Project Midway. Co-Curator for solo exhibition and lectures.

New Studio – New Works, Ferrari Studio, Vogue Building, Chicago, IL, October 22, 2005, part of Chicago Artists Month, presented by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs. Curator.

Virginio Ferrari–Importance of Public Art lecture, Chicago Cultural Center, IL, October 14, 2004; and Virginio Ferrari–New Ideas and Proposals for Chicago exhibition, Ferrari Studio, Stone City Building, Chicago, IL, October 24, 2004.Part of Chicago Artists Month, presented in part by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago and Friends of the Parks. Curator.

Virginio Ferrari: Ombre della Sera; 1957–2003, Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Verona, Italy, 2003. Associate Curator for a large-scale retrospective exhibition.

Intersezioni: Multi-Media Festival 01, Interzona, Verona, Italy, May 17, 2003, featuring Virginio Ferrari sculpture installation, 8fatfat8 and Beppe Grifeo musical performances, and Full Circle film screening. Co-Curator.

Full Circle Video Screening Reception, Ferrari Studio, Stone City Building, Chicago, IL, June 27, 2001, featuring sculpture by Virginio Ferrari, video by Marco G. Ferrari and Hammer & Pixel; music by Green Velvet; and cuisine by Jimmy Sadegi. Curator.

6 scultori Americani dall’Illinois in Europa: Baur, Dunbar, Emser, Ferrari, Rojek, Scarff, Laghetto dell’EUR, Rome, Italy, September 21–October 31, 2000. Curatorial Assistant for group exhibition.

Celebration of the Arts: Virginio Ferrari, Hawthorne Sweets at Midlane Golf Resort, Wadsworth, IL, USA, April 1999. Associate Curator.


REBUILD FOUNDATION—BLACK CINEMA HOUSE, STONY ISLAND ARTS BANK, CHICAGO, IL, USA, ASSOCIATE CURATOR. Responsibilities include: Cinema Education, Cinema Programming, Community/Artist Outreach, and Audiovisual Assistance.


Selected Curated Programs:

– Artist talk and screening of The Long White Cloud by William Pope.L. Organizer/Moderator.

Chi Voices, screening premier. Organizer.

Devine Feminine curated by Rashayla Brown. Organizer.

Memories of Underdevelopment screening and talk. Curator.

Godfather of Disco screening with talk and performance by Lady D. Performer & Moderator.

Ganja and Hess screening. Organizer.

– The Bridge audiovisual performances. Performer & Moderator.

– Carlos Bunga artist talk. Moderator.

– Grand Crossing neighborhood Kwanzaa celebration event. Organizer.

– Screenings of Strandbeast: The Dream Machines of Theo Jansen in collaboration with the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Events. Organizer.


WILLIAM POPE.L, MIDWAY STUDIOS, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, CHICAGO, IL, USA, STUDIO ASSISTANT. Responsibilities include: project research; artwork production; visual documentation (video and photograph); design and maintenance of artwork archive; shipping and receiving; correspondence with galleries and institutions; and administrative tasks.



Selected Projects:

Claim, Littman Gallery, Portland State University, January 15–February 18, 2014. Production Assistant & Researcher for William Pope.L’s solo exhibition.

Ruffneck Constructivists, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, February 12–August 17, 2014. Production Assistant & Researcher for William Pope.L’s Claim installation.

Mike Kelley: Looking Forward, a one-day conference on the retrospetcive travelling exhibition in collaboration with Princeton University, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA PS1), New York, NY,  Sunday, December 15, 2013. Production Assistant & Researcher for William PopeL’s lecture.




Verso il Regolamento di gestione del Monumento Naturale Ex Snia Viscosa: Vivere, tutelare e governare il processo di rinaturazione spontanea di una archeologia industriale, Parco delle energie – Lago Bullicante, Rome, Italy, January 14, 2021 – January 14, 2021. Featuring Maurizio Gubbiotti, Enrico Alleva, Alessandra Valentinelli, Emilio Giacomi, Monia Procesi, Giuseppe Dodaro, Corrado Battisti, Michele Colucci, Luca Montuori, Giovanni Boccuzzi, Cristiana Avenali, Massimiliano Tabusi, Marco G. Ferrari, Ingo Kowarik, Giuliano Fanelli, Giuliano Fanelli, Lorenza Zambon, Enzo De Martino, Maria Lepre, Giulia Fiocca, Massimiliano Micheli, Stefano Gizzi, Lorenzo Nottari, Ylenia Sina, Marco Gissara, Michael Obrist, Lorenzo Romito.Online conference curated by the Forum del Parco delle Energie with the support of Roma Natura. Assistant-curator.
Chiamata alle Arti – ‘Auspicio’, Sala Ovale, Casa del Parco delle Energie, Via Prenestina 175, Rome, Italy, October 16 and 29, 2020. Group discussions on the state of art during the pandemic, curated by Marco G. Ferrari and Donatella Della Ratta, organized by Rigenera Roma with the support of the Forum Territoriale Permanente del Parco delle Energie. Assistants: Benedetta Annecchini and R. Alessandro Turchioe.


Marco Asilo: la casa ospitale; home performances (for the broken hearts), casa di Marco G. Ferrari, via Gentile da Mogliano 29, Rome, Italy, February 14, 2020. Presented by Rigenera Roma with the participation of Iva & the Toy George; Alison Grimaldi-Donahue; Giulia Crispiani; Brunella Antomarini, Nefeli Misuraca; John Cascone; Albert Figurt; Igor Legari; Giacomo Ancillotto; Lulu Shamiyya; Lorenzo Esposito; Liryc Dela Cruz; and Marco G. Ferrari.

Marco Asilo: la casa ospitale; home projections (for the quarantined hearts), casa di Marco G. Ferrari, via Gentile da Mogliano 29, Rome, Italy, Marco 20––May 8, 2020. Eight evenings of outdoor projections from the home of Marco G. Ferrari onto the façade of the building on via Braccio da Montone 62, during the first lockdown. Featuring silent feature films; images of “Passeggiate resistenti: Pigneto quartiere in festa – Giorni di Liberazione”; selections from Rigenera’s international short-video call ”From our Windows to Your Screen”; and John Cabot University student films from the spring semester Expanded Cinema course. Presented by Rigenera Roma in collaboration with CSOA Ex-Snia and the Comitato di Quartiere Pigneto Prenestino.

– CineForum ExSnia, outdoor public screening of Black Panther (2018, 134 min, directed by Ryan Coogler), Giardino Galafati, via del Pigneto 104 (Metro C – Pigneto), Rome, Italy, September 18, 2020. Free community film screening program held in various neighborhood locations (ongoing), organized by CSOA ExSnia in collaboration with Comitato di Quartiere Pigneto Prenestino, Forum Territoriale Permanente del Parco delle Energie, Archivio Storico Viscosa. Co-curator Marco G. Ferrari.



– CineForum ExSnia, outdoor public screening of Bangla (2019, 87 min, directed by Phaim Bhuiyan), Piazza Malatesta (Metro C – Malatesta), Rome, Italy, October 5, 2019. Free community film screening program held in various neighborhood locations (ongoing), organized by CSOA ExSnia in collaboration with Comitato di Quartiere Pigneto Prenestino, Forum Territoriale Permanente del Parco delle Energie, Archivio Storico Viscosa. Co-curator Marco G. Ferrari.





Lucciche: A Video Art Symposium, Ponte di Ferro, Carrara, Italy, June 22–25, 2016. Featuring Mark Beasley, Rashayla Marie Brown, Osvaldo Cibils, Katherine Desjardins, Josh Duensing, Ayana Evans,Marco G. Ferrari, Amir George, Mike Gibisser, Adela Goldbard, Christopher Harris, Elisabeth Hogeman, Desirée Holman, David K. Ross, Anansi Knowbody, Kent Lambert,  Alexandre Larose, Kera MacKenzie & Andrew Mausert-Mooney, Sharon Mansur, Nicole Mauser, Sandro Miller, Terence Nance, Cynthia Neal & Judy Hoffman, D.N. Rodowick,Galina Shevchenko, Paul Somers, Catherine Sullivan, Cassandra Troyan, Rambod Vala, Ramyar Vala, Danny Volk, Gareth Walsh, Eric Watts, Scott Wolniak, Michael Workman. Co-curator.



Syzygy: 2013 MFA Graduates of the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Chicago, Bridgeport Arts Center, Chicago, IL, USA June 21–July 19, 2013. Co-Curator.



Elements of Peace: Giuseppe Grifeo Chicago Tour, Claudia Cassidy Theater, Chicago Cultural Center (New Music for the Millennium Series), March 21, 2007; and Elastic Arts Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, March 23, 2007. Curator.



– Chicago International Film Festival, Chicago, IL, USA, 1997–99: International Feature Film Jury Coordinator (1999); Theater Manager (1998); and Greeter/Italian Translator (1997).



– Mango Jam, weekly performing arts show, Blue Gargoyle Community Center, Chicago, IL, USA. Co-Artistic Director.





Threshold, an 11 song electro-acoustic solo album written and performed by Marco G. Ferrari, produced by Frank Orrall of Platetectonic Music & Marco G. Ferrari, mastered by Noah Scot Snyder, Chicago, IL, USA, 2016. With special guest musicians: Frank Orrall, Bruce Hughes, Inger Peterson Carle, Rick Gehrenbeck, John Nelson, and Ted Cho.



– DePaul University Choir, directed by Amy Goodman, Chicago, IL, USA. Tenor. Three performances with final concert at Chicago Symphony Center performing Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 in d minor, op. 125.



– City Limits, alternative rock band, Chicago, IL, USA. Singer, Song Writer, Lyricist, Guitarist and Bassist. Local and national performances.



– Thursday Boyz, alternative rock band, Chicago, IL, USA. Singer, Song Writer, Lyricist, Guitarist, Bassist. Local performances.



DoVA Alumni Discuss Artist-Run Spaces and Curation, Logan Center Penthouse Room 901, University of Chicago, Illinois, November 14, 2022, presented by the Open Practice Committee and Logan Center Exhibitions. A panel presentation by DoVA faculty member Scott Wolniak alongside DoVA alum Maggie Crowley, Marco G. Ferrari, Madeline Gallucci, Nicole Mauser, and Paul Gerard Somers.



AUR Artist Talk: Il futuro si ripete/The Future Repeats Itself, visiting artist lecture, American University of Rome, Italy, October 12, 2017. https://aur.edu/events/aur-artist-talk-future-repeats-itself-il-futuro-si-ripete



Alterity and the Landscape: Marco G. Ferrari, visiting artist lecture, City Colleges of Chicago–Harold Washington, Chicago, IL, USA, November 9, 2016.

Alterity and the Landscape: Films and Videos by Marco G. Ferrari, visiting artist lecture presented by the Departments of Art History & Studio Art and Communications, John Cabot Unversity, Rome, Italy, September 8, 2016.



Looking Askance: Artist Talk, at The University of Chicago Delhi Center, featuring Laura Letinsky, Marco G. Ferrari, and Anna Elise Johnson, New Delhi, India, October 27, 2015.

– UChicago MFA Program Talk at Ashoka University, featuring Laura Letinsky, Marco G. Ferrari, Anna Elise Johnson, and Autumn Elizabeth Clark Haryana, India, October 27, 2015.

– UChicago Presentation at Shiv Nadar University, featuring Laura Letinsky, Marco G. Ferrari, Anna Elise Johnson, and Autumn Elizabeth Clark, Utta Predesh, India, October 28, 2015.

– Artist Talk, Blanc Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA, March 28, 2015.

– Artist Talk, Black Cinema House, Rebuild Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, April 16, 2015.



Taking Place, Artist Talk, Contemporary Art Workshop, Department of Art History, The University of Chicago, IL, USA, June 3, 2013.



– Guest Speaker, Through the Lens: Documenting the Many Faces of Chicago (honors class; Harold Streeter instructor), DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA, Spring 2008.



– Artist Talk, Lincoln High School, Chicago, IL, USA.




– Creative Asylum, a consortium of Chicago based artists. Founding member.



– Arts Council member, Student Fine Arts Fund, Logan Arts Center, The University of Chicago, IL, USA, 2013. Logan Student Advisory Committee member, Logan Arts Center, The University of Chicago, IL, USA, 2013.

– Mentor, undergraduate art student mentor program, Department of Visual Arts, The University of Chicago, IL, USA, 2013.




Introduction to 16mm Film Production, Judy Hoffman instructor, Department of Visual Arts, University of Chicago, IL, USA, Spring 2011.



– Screenwriting I, Chicago Filmmakers, Chicago, IL, USA, 2002.



– Documentary Pre-Production, Judy Hoffman instructor, Chicago Filmmakers, IL, USA, 2001.

– Final Cut Pro 2 Workshops, Chicago Community Film Workshop, USA, 2001.



– Actors Center, Williamson Movement Technique I, Chicago, IL, USA, 2000.

– European Marketing and Distribution Strategies for Film, Magica, Rome, Italy 2000.



– Digital Workshop & Music for Film Production, Experimental Sound Studio,  Lou Mallozzi instructor, Chicago, IL, USA,1999.



– Television Production Seminar, Chicago Academy of Visual Arts, led by Man Sung Sun of SMS Productions, Chicago, IL, USA, 1998.



– Camera: 35mm slr (film); Super 8mm (film); 16mm (film); Betacam (digital); Mini DV (digital); DVCam (digital), XDcam (digital); HD dslr (digital); Red and Blackmagic (digital).

– Audio: Tascam and H4N zoom field recorders (digital); Location Boom and Lavaliere microphones

– Editing: Apple Pro (Final Cut Pro, Motion, Compressor and Aperture); Adobe Creative Suite (Premier Pro, After Affects, Media Encoder, Audition, Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator).

– Projection: 16mm film and Digital Projectors; VDMX & VPT video mixing/mapping software.

– Office: FileMaker, Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel and PowerPoint); Apple based software (Numbers and Keynote)

– Language: Native speaker of English and Italian




– Faculty Development Committee Award, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020



– Black Cinema House Film Fellowship, Rebuild Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, December 2014–June 2015. Duties included: Cinema Education, Cinema Programming, Promotion, Community/Artist Outreach; Audio-Video Assistance and the production of a film project that included free neighborhood film workshops culminating into a final outdoor screening of Surfaces, projected on the Saint Laurence School building, June 21, 2016.



– Post–MFA Teaching Fellowship, Department of Visual Arts, Division of the Humanities, The University of Chicago, IL, USA.



– Academic Fellowship, Department of Visual Arts, Division of the Humanities, The University of Chicago, IL, USA. Arts/Science Graduate Collaboration Grant, Logan Center for the Arts, Office of the Provost, The University of Chicago, IL, USA. For Openings, 2012, hd video.



– Curatorial Grant, Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago, IL, USA. For pianist Giuseppe Grifeo’s Elements of Peace: Concert Tour.



– Chicago Artist Assistance Program Grant (CAAP), Illinois Arts Council and the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs. For Full Circle: a documentary film on sculptor Virginio Ferrari, 2004, sd video.



– Heritage Grant, National Italian American Foundation, Washington, D.C., USA. For Full Circle: a documentary film on sculptor Virginio Ferrari.



– Filmmaker Special Assistance Grant, Chicago Community Film Workshop, IL, USA.

– Experimental Sound Studio Residency Award, Chicago, IL, USA.



– Borsa di Studio IRE (Italian Government Bursary Award for Italians Resident Abroad), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy. For independent research and production in Documentary Filmmaking and Contemporary Sculpture (continuation; 12 months).



– Borsa di Studio IRE (Italian Government Bursary Award for Italians Resident Abroad), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy. For independent research and production in Documentary Filmmaking and Contemporary Sculpture (12 months).