Self + Otherness—Introduction to Filmmaking Workshops, 2015-16

Self + Otherness is an exciting new series of Black Cinema House workshops that focuses on the filmmaking process, exploring how time and space are used as materials to create form and inspire content in video and film. These are introductory/intermediate level workshops for adults and young adults that have an interest in learning the techniques, history and concepts in film and video. 

Led by artist and filmmaker Marco G. Ferrari, the series is a way to facilitate an awareness of the images we produce and receive everyday through exercises in looking, listening and making. The workshops will take place over the following three quarters spanning fall, winter and spring, meeting once a week on Wednesdays from 5-7pm at the new Stony Island Arts Bank. 

Readings, screenings, artists’ talks, discussions, technical exercises and the creation of personal works are key components of the workshop. Digital sound recording, image capturing, available lighting, editing, writing and 16mm film will be explored.

Participants are asked to bring their own digital image-making device that can record images and videos­–this can be a phone, a point-shoot camera or a more advanced camera. 

– Introductory/intermediate level free workshops for adults and young adults
– Learn the craft of filmmaking using your own digital recoding device (phone or camera)
– Explore how time and space are used as materials to create form and inspire content
– Engage in the techniques, history and concepts in film and video

Guest Artist Talks: Judy Hoffman, Peggy Firestone, Georgie Schaffer, Vidura Jang Bahadur, Julian Antos, Carlos Bunga, The Bridge, and Pope.L.

Topics and Projects by Quarters:

Topics: Image and Sound, Capturing and Assembling
Project 1) Sound––Sculpting Place
Project 2) Composition––Cine-Roman
Syllabus, marco-g-ferrari-rebuild-black-cinema-house-filmmaking-self-otherness-workshop-2015fall-syllabus

Topics: Creating an Arch, from Conception to Projection
Project 3) Video Essay––Documentary as Performance
Syllabus, marco-g-ferrari-rebuild-black-cinema-house-filmmaking-self-otherness-workshop-2016winter-syllabus

Topics: Building on Composition, Incorporating Text, Working as a Group
Project 4) Portraits, of Self and Other
Project 5) Narrative––group project, one scene
Syllabus, marco-g-ferrari-rebuild-black-cinema-house-filmmaking-self-otherness-workshop-2016spring-syllabus

*Students’ thank you video.

Related Projects
– Cinema Programming at Black Cinema House:
Cinema Artwork at Black Cinema House: Screening of “Nacelle” & “Resti” by Marco G. Ferrari, April 16, 2015,; The Bridge: Sonic Communion Exploratory Tour, May 4, 2015,; Surfaces: An Outdoor Video Projection, June 21, 2015,; Surfaces: Grand Crossing I; Outdoor Projection on the Stony Island Arts Bank, October 3, 2015,; Dream State: an improvised audiovisual performance, November 5, 2015,; The Sync: The Bridge #5, May 5, 2016,